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Free n3 membership

As a member of FICA, your n3 membership fee is already covered. That means you can start saving today at no extra cost.

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n3 Suppliers recommended for you

typical savings1
typical savings1
typical savings1
typical savings1

More recommended Suppliers


17% typical savings1


24% typical savings1


5% typical savings1

Noel Leeming

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NZ Couriers

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Century Yuasa Batteries

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J A Russell

25% typical savings1


6% typical savings1

+ 40 more Suppliers – See them all


Free n3 membership

As a member of FICA, your n3 membership fee is already covered. That means you can start saving today at no extra cost.

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n3 Member Stories

In the last 12 months, n3 Members have saved over $74,000,000 with our Suppliers.1

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Buy like the big guys with

With over 15,000 Members, we get to negotiate big discounts with our Suppliers, just like the big guys. You get the same goods and services but at a much lower cost. We call it Business Buying Power – you can call it punching above your weight.

Save money on goods and services

Need to buy something for your business? Our team has negotiated exclusive n3 rates for you with over 50 trusted Suppliers, so you can save big.

Savings Calculator

Use new or existing Suppliers

You can score a better deal for your business with our great Suppliers. If you like the Suppliers you’ve already got and they’re with n3 too, you may be able to get even sharper prices.

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Benefits of n3 membership

  • Big discounts, pre-negotiated
  • All purchasing areas covered
  • Pre-vetted Suppliers
  • Keep existing Supplier relationships
  • Detailed reporting
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Exclusive n3 membership offers
